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喝牛奶会长痘痘吗 具体是什么原因引起的

发布时间:2020-12-17 13:22    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Acne muscle is really a troublesome thing, daily diet is also need to pay special attention to, so drink milk president acne? What are the specific causes? Acne muscles really need special attention.
For some people, milk does aggravate acne. A 2012 study also found that drinking milk did increase the risk of acne, especially some skimmed milk on the market. And long blain should not be eat less spicy food? The hot pepper and other foods should be avoided. How can the nutritious milk become the killer of pox?

Because milk is rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, and especially easy to be absorbed by people, even known as "white blood" is very friendly to people. At first hearing the negative news about it, the first feeling is that the news is a bit shocking and untrue, because milk is so important to people.
Milk is a kind of high protein drink. Some of its protein components can promote the differentiation of keratinocytes and accelerate the keratinization of hair follicle sebaceous duct, and these are actually one of the very important factors causing acne. Not only can cause acne, but also aggravate, so like to drink milk acne muscle is really to the right amount.
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