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激光点痣吃什么恢复快 恢复期合理选择饮食不留疤痕

发布时间:2020-12-17 10:30    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
People all have the love of beauty, and many people will choose laser to remove the moles on their faces. So, what does laser dot mole eat restore fast? Recovery period reasonable choice diet does not leave scar, follow small make up to have a look.

Generally speaking, what to eat after the mole has no effect, but after ordering, erythromycin ointment can be applied locally, three times a day, so as to eliminate inflammation, and the area of mole should not touch water within a week. Food must not eat spicy stimulating food, to eat light food, it is best to eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, which can promote the growth of scars.


You can't eat too salty, too greasy, soy sauce, vinegar, seafood and hair. So suggest you eat some light white food, that black do not touch, it will stimulate the growth of melanin. Fruit should choose cool or flat fruit after the spot mole.

In fact, as long as the food after the spot mole does not touch irritating food, there is no big obstacle. The daily diet still needs to eat more fruits and vegetables, which is helpful for recovery after all. In fact, the scar will gradually disappear after the point nevus, as long as you do not stimulate the Spot nevus and then cooperate with healthy eating habits, it will soon be restored.
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