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女人喝的养生汤有哪些 一应俱全坚持喝冬季滋阴养颜

发布时间:2020-12-17 10:13    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Winter has come, girls usually have cold hands and feet, right? Want to warm winter, small make up for you to some practical bar! What kind of health soup do women drink? Everything, adhere to drink winter nourishing Yin, Yang Yan, interested in a look.

1、 银耳红枣汤,银耳又称为“穷人的燕窝”,燕窝虽补,却价格昂贵。银耳无论颜色、口感、功效都和燕窝相似,价格便宜。而且燕窝大补容易上火,银耳凉补有润燥的作用,更适合女人食用。将银耳、桂圆干、枸杞、红枣洗净,放入锅内加水熬汤,起锅前加入冰糖调味。此款汤品不仅能丰胸,还能使你的脸色白里透红,体态轻盈苗条。
1. Tremella and jujube soup, tremella is also known as "the poor's bird's nest". Although the bird's nest is supplemented, it is expensive. Tremella fuciformis is similar to bird's nest in color, taste and efficacy, and its price is cheap. And bird's nest tonic easy to fire, tremella cool tonic role of moistening dryness, more suitable for women to eat. Wash tremella, dried longan, medlar, red dates, put them into the pot, add water to make soup, and add rock sugar to taste before cooking. This soup can not only breast enhancement, but also make your face white and red, light and slim.


2. Danggui Hongzao spare ribs soup, 1 spareribs, wolfberry, 12 red dates, 4 angelica. Add ginger, scallion, stir fry until cooked, add ginger, chicken shreds, stir fry, add in hot pot. This soup can nourish yin, moisten dryness, nourish skin and skin.

After watching all kinds of soup, Xiaobian will recommend some healthy food for you. Eating it will be of great benefit to women. In terms of dried fruit, it is natural to choose preserved apricot. Preserved apricot has the function of skin care and skin care, because preserved apricot can moisten the lung and effectively eliminate nitric acid in the body. It is also a healthy choice as a snack.
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