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健身吃什么水果比较好 这样吃健身效果才能事半功倍

发布时间:2020-12-17 10:06    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网

Now most people are very concerned about their health, and fitness crowd is not in the minority, so what fruit to eat for fitness is better? Only in this way can we get twice the result with half the effort! If you want to have a better result, remember to read it well.

1、健身健美训练后最佳水果是樱桃,因其含有丰富的抗 氧化成分—花青素,这是一种具强有力的消炎功效的植物化学成分,对训练产生的炎症有特效。如果体内没有炎症,肌体的恢复也快。

1. After fitness training, the best fruit is cherry, because it contains rich antioxidant components anthocyanins, which is a strong anti-inflammatory effect of plant chemical components, has a special effect on the inflammation of training. If there is no inflammation in the body, the body recovers quickly. www.xiafan.com.cn


2. Avocado, also known as avocado and avocado, is an evergreen tree belonging to the Lauraceae family. It is a famous tropical fruit and one of the woody oil tree species. Its pulp contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, so it has the effect of reducing cholesterol; it contains a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, and is rich in high protein, which makes it an indispensable food on the menu of fitness and muscle building people. It can be said that it has no harm to human body. 下饭网www.xiafan.com.cn


These two kinds of fruits are very popular with fitness people. In terms of nutritional value, there is no need to worry about it. After all, they are the results verified by everyone. You can not only enjoy the delicious fruit, but also help the fitness crowd, why not?
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