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女人吃什么补充气血效果比较好 肌肤白里透红

发布时间:2020-12-16 18:13    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Women's best state is red in the white, white without blood color is very unhealthy, what women eat to supplement qi and blood effect is better, to achieve the effect of skin white and red, let's have a look.

Deficiency of Qi and blood is caused by deficiency of Qi and blood, fatigue, internal injury, major operation, massive hemorrhage, prolonged illness, etc. Qi deficiency mainly manifested as less Qi, lazy speech, fatigue, low voice, short breath when moving, easy to sweat, dizziness and palpitation, pale complexion, loss of appetite, deficiency heat, spontaneous sweating, anorectal prolapse, uterine ptosis, light and fat tongue, teeth marks on the edge of the tongue, weak pulse, etc.

The main manifestations of blood deficiency are pale or pale complexion, pale lips and claws, dizziness and fatigue, dizziness and palpitation, insomnia and dreaminess, dry stool, less amount of water, light color, light tongue, smooth moss and weak pulse, etc. In the treatment, Yiqi Yangxue decoction is the method. Bazhen Decoction and Danggui Buxue Decoction are often used in clinic. But the specific situation needs to be judged by professional doctors, do not self diagnosis and treatment.

If the blood gas is insufficient, the natural circulation is not smooth, and the blood gas coagulates, it is blocked, so it is not smooth. Therefore, women want to keep their youth forever, and their skin is healthy all the year round. They must insist on eating the above ingredients.
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