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吃酱油脸上会长黑色素吗 对疤痕道理有没有影响

发布时间:2020-12-16 17:57    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Always heard someone say, eat soy sauce can turn black, eat soy sauce face president melanin? Does food affect skin color? Does soy sauce affect scar reason? Let's find out the truth.

It is often said that eating soy sauce and drinking coffee will make the skin black, and you can't eat soy sauce if you have injuries on your body, otherwise you will leave ugly scars. In fact, there is no scientific basis for these statements. Skin color is mainly determined by melanin in addition to race inheritance.
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First of all, it depends on the depth of the wound. If it hurts the dermis, it will leave a scar. It has nothing to do with whether to eat soy sauce or not. If you eat soy sauce, there will be pigment precipitation in the scar, which will become very dark, but if you don't eat soy sauce, there will still be scars.
If the scar area is deep, do not eat food with pigment, but some food is natural color, it does not matter, especially during the wound healing, do not eat soy sauce.


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