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柠檬百香果可以减肥吗 还有美白淡斑功效是真的吗

发布时间:2020-12-16 17:47    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
In recent years, lemon passion fruit and honey are widely used by everyone. Can lemon passion fruit lose weight? How long can you eat it? There are whitening and spot lightening effect is true, let's take a look at the specific efficacy.

Lemon passion fruit does have a certain weight loss effect, mainly because it contains more vitamins, so after eating it can increase the feeling of fullness, will not feel too hungry, and its heat is relatively low.


Lemon passion fruit has the effect of purifying the body and promoting metabolism. Its main function is moistening the lung and resolving phlegm, diluting sputum, supplementing vitamins and amino acids, promoting body fluid and relieving thirst, and lightening spots, beautifying and whitening.

Including some of the body's inflammation can achieve the effect of elimination, but also can prevent the occurrence of acne, because it can promote metabolism, eliminate the body's garbage and toxins, whether hot or cold drinks can.
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