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吃柠檬可以美白吗 吃柠檬的好吃和坏处

发布时间:2020-12-16 17:38    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
In recent years, a very popular way to eat, lemon bubble passion fruit, both white spots and can lose weight, clean up the intestines, eat lemon can whitening? Eat lemon good and bad, let's have a look.

Eat lemon is can play a whitening effect, lemon contains rich vitamin C, it can inhibit the formation of melanin, promote the formation of melanin slowly absorbed, so lemon has a natural whitening effect, belongs to natural whitening agent, but lemon belongs to light sensitive food, so pay attention to do a good job of sunscreen when eating, so as not to have a reaction 。
Fresh lemon is rich in vitamin C and citric acid. It has the function of beauty and freckle removal, blood pressure reduction and digestion. You can also cut and wash the lemon directly and drink it in warm water. However, it is recommended not to drink lemonade on an empty stomach, which will easily lead to excessive gastric acid, and some people with uncomfortable stomach can't stand it.

The efficacy of lemonade is easy to whiten, but Xiaobian or that sentence, usually will adhere to, in a short period of time may be beneficial to jokes, but whitening takes a time process, we must adhere to Oh.
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