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改善白发的食疗方法 拥有一头乌黑秀发不是梦

发布时间:2020-12-16 17:09    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Whether it is caused by natural white hair or acquired hard work, the health of scalp melanocytes is the key. If the lack of melanin particles, it will affect the normal hair color, improve the diet therapy for white hair, and it is not a dream to have a black hair.

Tyrosinase is the only known enzyme in melanin composition. It is a copper containing metal enzyme, which is synthesized by melanocytes. Animal sardine: meat, chicken, lean beef, lean pork, lean lamb, rabbit meat; animal viscera; aquatic products: clams, crabs, abalone, snails, oysters, sardines, tuna, hairtail, perch, yellow croaker, carp, etc.

Hard fruit food: sweet potato, soybean, lentil, green bean, red bean; peanut, walnut, black sesame and raisin;
Others: cheese, milk, lactic acid drinks, cheese, yogurt, condensed milk; tomatoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, figs, etc.; black sesame, wolfberry.
Xiaobian should remind everyone that, in the treatment of food tonic, we should also ensure the quality of sleep, feel happy, and avoid smoking and alcohol, otherwise all efforts will be wasted.


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