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孕妇不能吃哪些食物 误食严重会导致流产

发布时间:2020-12-16 15:27    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Many unexpected pregnant mothers are not prepared enough, with a baby, especially young Baoma, life experience is also very little, so what food can't pregnant women eat? Serious ingestion can lead to miscarriage.

Avoid eating: 1, high-fat food; 2, high sugar diet, so that pregnant women have the risk of diabetes; 3, cold, spicy food, easy to increase the burden of pregnant mother's stomach. Vegetables: raw garlic, pepper, pepper, fennel, leek.
copyright xiafan.com.cn
Fruit: longan, hawthorn, pickled food: mustard, bacon, sausage, salted fish, sauerkraut, tofu milk, alcoholic drinks: white wine, beer, red wine, yellow rice wine. Including crabs and persimmons are taboo food.

If pregnant and vomiting is not particularly severe, Baoma people should eat as much food as possible, such as nuts, fresh fruits, fish and white meat. These fat indexes will not be too high, so they can eat them every day.
copyright xiafan.com.cn
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