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老人吃什么对身体好 增强体质延年益寿

发布时间:2020-12-16 15:16    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
As the saying goes, a good family has an old man like a treasure. The old man's constitution and children can't be careless. What the old man eats is good for his health. The health of the old man can save a lot of energy and financial resources for his family, so eating the old man can enhance his physique and prolong his life.

The elderly can eat some protein properly, and the metabolism in the elderly is mainly catabolism. Therefore, the elderly need relatively rich protein, it is best to eat some lean meat, milk, eggs, fish and shrimp, beans and so on every day. But the elderly should eat less fatty foods, such as animal oil. The elderly should also pay attention to the supply of iron, the general blood is mainly hemoglobin.
If the lack of iron, it will cause hemoglobin reduction, anemia phenomenon, so the elderly can eat more kelp, bean products, sesame. What's more, the elderly should eat more foods with high calcium content, so as to prevent osteoporosis. They can drink more milk, soybean milk, shrimp and spare ribs soup. The elderly should also eat more vitamin foods, such as fresh jujube, hawthorn, citrus, etc.
When there are many family members, the most easy thing to ignore is the health of the elderly. Their physical fitness begins to decline. At the same time, the elderly's cell regeneration ability is almost weak. Taking good care of the elderly is actually saving a lot of trouble for a large family.
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