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运动后多久可以吃饭 吃什么减肥效果最好

发布时间:2020-12-16 14:44    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
With the more and more developed economy, we are paying more and more attention to health. How long can the partners who keep exercising every day eat after each exercise? What food is the best for weight loss?

After exercise, the body consumes a lot of energy, which needs to be supplemented by eating. But it is not suitable to eat immediately after exercise, because the blood is still concentrated in the skeletal muscle, the gastrointestinal blood supply is relatively insufficient, can not digest and absorb food well, and may lead to abdominal distension and abdominal pain and other discomfort symptoms.

In general, after a rest of more than half an hour after exercise, the human body's blood will be redistributed to ensure the blood supply of the digestive system, without affecting the function of the gastrointestinal tract. In the same way, you can't exercise immediately after eating. You need to rest for more than half an hour. After the food is fully digested, you can also promote the peristalsis of the intestine.

The most suitable food to eat after exercise is banana, which can not only supplement the energy lost during exercise, but also increase intestinal peristalsis to facilitate defecation. In addition, some netizens may have hypoglycemic reactions. Bananas can just fill this demand.

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