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长痘痘不能吃的食物 闭口和痘印有什么区别

发布时间:2020-12-16 13:04    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
A clean face, can give a person the first impression plus points, many netizens for the closed mouth and acne print what difference, can't use the wrong method, can't achieve the ideal effect, how to remove the closed pockmarks respectively?

The acne mark is the acne pit left by the acne. The closed acne is the white acne on the face and can not squeeze out anything. The closed acne is the closed acne, which generally presents as white head acne or relatively small transparent granular acne.
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The causes of mouth closure: improper cleaning, oil residue, resulting in pore clogging, excessive cleaning, imbalance of water and oil balance, thick cuticle... There may also be mental stress, excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, eating too greasy, stimulating, and too many sweets. Excessive androgen secretion, endocrine disorders, abnormal metabolism.

There is a good way to close mouth: Brush acid, the way to avoid is to choose suitable skin care products, regular cleaning, to avoid hand extrusion bacteria breeding.
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