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痘印黑色素沉淀怎么去除 吃什么水果淡的快

发布时间:2020-12-16 13:07    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
As the saying goes, a white cover a hundred ugliness, the face is a person's business card, many men and women partners face more or less some flaws will cause psychological inferiority, such as acne print pit, acne print melanin precipitation how to remove? Will acne marks disappear by themselves?

How to remove the acne print melanin, for patients with acne print melanin, it is recommended to avoid squeezing and scratching the local acne, so as to avoid deepening the acne print and aggravating the melanin. Also pay attention to the skin's cleaning, moisturizing and sunscreen work, because the sun will lead to the deepening of pockmarks, the deepening of pigment, for patients who want to remove the melanin of acne print as soon as possible, they can eat more food rich in vitamin C.


For example, fresh fruits and vegetables, and so on, can be topically used to desalinate some drugs, such as hydroquinone cream, azelaic acid, etc. You can also go to the hospital for fruit acid Rejuvenation or laser-assisted desalination of pigmentation, acne print treatment, mainly strong pulsed light, carbon dioxide lattice laser and Q-switch laser treatment.

If in the diet control, work and rest time are well controlled, acne print is not particularly serious will be eliminated by themselves, if the above is not done well, it will be secondary growth, so we must use the right method.
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