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脂肪肝是什么原因造成的 吃什么食物好

发布时间:2020-12-16 13:08    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
The incidence rate incidence rate of fatty liver is the highest in recent ten years. It is also known as the "rich and precious disease". In the past, only family conditions were good. What causes fatty liver? How to treat is the best method?

This doesn't have to be for fat people. There are still many relations between diet and exercise in peace. The incidence rate of fatty liver disease is a serious threat to the health of Chinese people. It is the second largest liver disease after viral hepatitis. The incidence rate is increasing and the age of onset is becoming younger. If the accumulation of fat in the liver is too much, more than 5% of the weight of the liver or more than 50% of the liver cells in histology have fatty degeneration, it can be called fatty liver. Its clinical manifestations are mild asymptomatic, severe illness ferocity. Generally speaking, fatty liver is a reversible disease, early diagnosis and timely treatment can often return to normal.
It is best to pay attention to light diet and moderate drinking water. Moderate exercise, avoid drinking, eat less fatty food, if necessary, or with the pulse of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of Chinese herbal medicine, mild fatty liver does not affect liver function, this situation can be treated through diet management and exercise therapy, pay special attention to the control of blood lipid.

And according to statistics, fatty liver is used to younger, so we must exercise more and control diet. We can eat big fish and meat once a week. There is no reason why people can't get sick from their mouths.


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