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妊娠纹可以完全修复吗 吃什么水果能消除

发布时间:2020-12-16 13:08    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Can stretch mark repair completely? What's the best way to get rid of it? Pregnancy marks especially affect the beauty of Baoma, especially in a summer when you want to wear a beautiful navel dress, you will have a special view.

Stretch marks can be repaired, but the cycle is very long. Because stretch marks are caused by the rupture of collagen fibers in the dermis of the skin. If you want to repair them, the purpose is to let the broken collagen grow again and make the skin reconnected. At present, the main methods are dot matrix laser, with 1560 or 1600. www.xiafan.com.cn
Through the lattice stimulation of collagen around the skin, that is, the epidermis or dermis around the broken collagen, crawling to the middle concave position to promote the growth of the broken fibers, which can repair the stretch marks. At the same time, in the process of treatment, it can also cooperate with physical methods.

正确的喝水习惯会为你的皮肤弹性计划提速。肌肤保湿。运动。调整饮食习惯,尽量吃新鲜水果这些都可以很好的去除妊娠纹。西红柿: 先将西红柿去皮,然后把西红柿放到搅拌机里进行搅拌之后用其汁液涂抹在有妊娠纹的地方,15分钟左右清洗干净。
The right water habit will speed up your skin elasticity program. Skin moisturizes. Sports. Adjust eating habits, try to eat fresh fruit, these can be very good to remove pregnancy marks.
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