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女人吃什么可以补充脸上的胶原蛋白 还能提亮肤色

发布时间:2020-12-16 09:52    浏览次数:   文章来源:下饭网
Once a woman has passed the age of 25, the collagen on her face begins to lose. If she does not protect her skin in time or keep a good work and rest time, the loss will be faster. That is, the old ones are faster than those delicate girls. What can women eat to supplement the collagen on their faces? It also brightens skin color.

In general, women eat pig feet, pig skin, chicken feet and fish such as tuna and salmon can supplement collagen. Collagen is a biopolymer, which is rich in connective tissue of animals. It is also the most abundant and widely distributed functional protein in mammals. Collagen has many functions, such as skin, bone, eyes, muscle, hair and so on.

In daily life, it is recommended to supplement collagen while living a regular schedule. Do not stay up late to avoid the rapid loss of collagen. Usually the diet should be light, eat less spicy, fried, greasy food, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water. Pay attention to sunscreen. Ultraviolet rays cause direct damage to the skin and destroy collagen.

There are no ugly women, only lazy women, as long as you are willing to insist, you will stand out among peers, everyone will get old, but you can delay aging. It's slower on the road to aging.

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