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雾霾天吃什么最清肺 这几种食物对肺还是有好处的

发布时间:2021-02-12 22:48:44    浏览次数:959   文章来源:原创


Today's air pollution is still a little serious. For example, smog days still affect people's travel and health. After all, smog is very harmful to our lungs. What's the best way to clear the lungs on smog days? Let's introduce some good foods for the lungs.

雾霾天吃什么最清肺 这几种食物对肺还是有好处的

现代医学则认为,猪血中的蛋白质经胃酸分解后,可产生一种有消毒及润肠作用的物质,这物质能与进入人 体内的粉尘和有害金属微粒起生化反应,然后通过排泄将这些有害物质带出体外,所以“猪红”亦堪称人体污物的“清道夫”。而猪血的蛋白质含量特别丰富,相当 于猪肉的4倍,鸡蛋的5倍。民间常说:春尝韭,晚食菘(即白菜)。春日时韭菜特别鲜嫩爽口,中医认为它能温中行气、健胃提神、益肾壮阳、暖腰膝、散瘀解 毒、活血止血、止泻和调和脏腑。

Modern medicine believes that the protein in pig blood can be decomposed by gastric acid to produce a kind of substance with the function of disinfection and moistening intestines. This substance can react with the dust and harmful metal particles entering the human body, and then excrete these harmful substances out of the body. Therefore, "pig red" can also be called the "scavenger" of human dirt. The protein content of pig blood is especially rich, which is 4 times of pork and 5 times of egg. Folk often say: Spring taste leek, late eat song (that is cabbage). In spring, leeks are especially fresh and refreshing. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that they can warm the middle of the body, invigorate the stomach, invigorate the mind, benefit the kidney and strengthen Yang, warm the waist and knees, disperse blood stasis and detoxification, activate blood circulation to stop bleeding, stop diarrhea and harmonize the viscera.

雾霾天吃什么最清肺 这几种食物对肺还是有好处的


Modern medicine believes that it is rich in food fiber, can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, and has positive significance for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Its volatile essential oil and sulfur compounds have the effect of reducing blood lipid. Therefore, it is beneficial for the prevention of hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease. Patting ginger is a common method in the Pearl River Delta area, that is, patting large pieces of ginger after shaving with the back of a knife and putting it into the soup, its gas and taste are more likely to overflow.

雾霾天吃什么最清肺 这几种食物对肺还是有好处的


It's good to eat pig blood on a haze day. You can eat pig blood. The nutrient content of pig blood is still very high. We usually try to go out less and eat more vegetables and fruits on a haze day.

Tags: 食物 雾霾
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