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白内障吃什么对眼睛好 这几种食物效果不错

发布时间:2021-01-11 20:47:35    浏览次数:879   文章来源:原创


Most of the cataract patients are elderly now, and the probability of getting cataract is still very high. Therefore, we should take good precautions at ordinary times. What to eat for cataract is good for eyes. These kinds of food have a good effect. Let's have a look.

白内障吃什么对眼睛好 这几种食物效果不错


If you have cataract, it is suggested to eat more foods rich in vitamin C. vitamin C can prevent the formation of cataract and reduce the damage of light and oxygen to lens. Therefore, it is generally recommended to eat more tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, onion and so on. Usually you can also eat more orange or yellow fruits and vegetables. Can often eat some oranges, lemons, can also be used to drink water.

白内障吃什么对眼睛好 这几种食物效果不错


Cataract patients can usually take oral microelements and minerals, to eat more carotene and vitamin C rich food, such as common lemon, orange, banana, strawberry, pineapple. Vegetables, you can eat some onions, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, broccoli and so on. These foods are good for the prevention of cataract. They can reduce the damage of light and oxygen to the lens, and also prevent the formation of 

白内障吃什么对眼睛好 这几种食物效果不错


What to eat for cataract is good for eyes. These kinds of food have a good effect. For cataract patients, the most important thing is to supplement vitamin C, so you can usually eat more vegetables or fruits, and those with high vitamin C will be better.

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