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心血管疾病吃什么食物比较好 可以吃以下这几种食物

发布时间:2021-02-10 22:44:19    浏览次数:944   文章来源:原创


、For patients with cardiovascular disease, the problem of diet is very important, because if you don't pay attention to diet, it is easy to lead to physical condition. What kind of food is better for patients with cardiovascular disease? Recommend some food for patients with cardiovascular disease.

心血管疾病吃什么食物比较好 可以吃以下这几种食物


More than 20 grams of dietary fiber per day can effectively reduce cholesterol. Dietary fiber can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, promote detoxification, relieve constipation and prevent intestinal cancer. Many foods are rich in dietary fiber, such as millet, fresh corn, naked oats and other coarse grains; fresh mushrooms, soybeans, garlic, celery and other vegetables; pomegranate, mulberry, pear and other fruits. It is worth reminding that dietary fiber is not more good, excessive consumption will affect digestion, hinder the absorption of nutrients, but also lead to abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other discomfort.

心血管疾病吃什么食物比较好 可以吃以下这几种食物


Oat has a low glycemic index, which helps to control blood sugar. The effect of cooking oats is better than brewing oats, which can be boiled for 3-5 minutes, and the more viscous the oats, the better the effect; the daily intake should be controlled at 100 grams, and it is recommended to eat in two meals. British experts recommend that 25 ml of olive oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids can effectively increase the level of high-density lipoprotein (also known as "good cholesterol") in the blood. Olive oil can not only be used for cold dressing, but also for frying vegetables, which is better than soybean oil and sunflower seed oil. In addition, tea oil and flaxseed oil are also healthy oils.

心血管疾病吃什么食物比较好 可以吃以下这几种食物


What kind of food is better for patients with cardiovascular disease? It is recommended that patients with cardiovascular disease have dietary fiber, which is easier to absorb. Do not eat greasy food, which is not easy to absorb and will lead to discomfort.

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