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皮肤干燥吃什么水果 这几种水果赶快收藏起来

发布时间:2020-12-24 16:26:55    浏览次数:1069   文章来源:原创


As soon as winter comes, everyone's skin will become dry and irritable. Today, Xiaobian will tell you what food to eat if the skin is dry. Now let's have a look with Xiaobian.

皮肤干燥吃什么水果 这几种水果赶快收藏起来


The cellulose contained in apples can soften the feces in the stool. There are also rich organic acids, can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote defecation unobstructed.

皮肤干燥吃什么水果 这几种水果赶快收藏起来


Rich in vitamins and amino acids, containing more dietary fiber oligosaccharides, protein decomposition enzymes. It can help human gastrointestinal digestion, absorb and take away the harmful substances in the intestine.

皮肤干燥吃什么水果 这几种水果赶快收藏起来


Strawberry can effectively help us to alleviate the problem of dry skin, so we can eat more fruits in our daily life!

Tags: 美容瘦身
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