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三高人群适合吃什么食物 这几种食物不要错过

发布时间:2020-12-23 16:36:45    浏览次数:916   文章来源:原创


We all know which three high people are worth. We should pay special attention to the diet of these people. Today, I'd like to talk with you about the food suitable for the three high people. Let's have a look.

三高人群适合吃什么食物 这几种食物不要错过


Onion. Onion contains prostaglandin A and also contains sulfides and flavonoids. These substances can dilate blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity for people with high blood pressure, promote blood circulation, and have a good effect on reducing the three high and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

三高人群适合吃什么食物 这几种食物不要错过


Cucumber. Cucumber contains potassium and magnesium elements, can help regulate the body's blood pressure level, to prevent high blood pressure and stable blood pressure have a good effect, eat cucumber can also stimulate insulin secretion, to stabilize blood sugar.

三高人群适合吃什么食物 这几种食物不要错过


Three high crowd suitable for eating green onion, we all know that green onion has a lot of benefits to our body, so we can eat more at ordinary times!

Tags: 健康饮食
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