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清理肠道的食物有哪些 这几种食物必不可少

发布时间:2020-12-23 16:41:07    浏览次数:935   文章来源:原创


Many people eat too much food, which leads to gastrointestinal discomfort. Today, I'd like to tell you what kind of food can help us clean up our intestines and stomach. Let's have a look.

清理肠道的食物有哪些 这几种食物必不可少


Mung bean sprouts are rich in cellulose, vitamins and minerals. They are cold in nature and low in calories. They have the functions of detoxification, beauty, fat elimination and defecation. It is rich in plant fiber, which can clear the intestines and expel toxins. It is an ideal vegetable for patients with constipation.

清理肠道的食物有哪些 这几种食物必不可少


Carrots are known as "native ginseng" in the folk. Although they are humble in appearance, they have many nutritional effects. In addition to good eye protection, carrot is also a good detoxification food, can remove toxins in the body, its pectin can be combined with mercury to exclude the body, effectively reducing the concentration of mercury ions in the body.

清理肠道的食物有哪些 这几种食物必不可少


Brown rice can effectively help us clean up our intestines and stomach, so we can eat more brown rice at ordinary times. The above is all the things introduced by Xiaobian. We can collect them!

Tags: 健康饮食
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