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吃什么可以让头发长得快 告诉你这几种食物最有效

发布时间:2020-12-23 16:54:31    浏览次数:872   文章来源:原创


Many people feel that their hair grows too slowly, so what is the reason for this? Today, I'm going to tell you what food you can eat to make your hair grow faster.

吃什么可以让头发长得快 告诉你这几种食物最有效


Scientific research has confirmed that about 30% of women with hair loss are caused by iron deficiency. For female friends, timely supplement of iron can make your hair grow rapidly. The foods rich in iron include soybean, black beans, eggs, hairtail, shrimp, cooked peanuts, spinach, carp, banana, carrot, potato, etc. If you want to make your hair grow faster, you can eat more of these foods.

吃什么可以让头发长得快 告诉你这几种食物最有效


Mucoid protein and bone glue can effectively promote the growth of hair. Foods rich in this substance include beef bone soup, sparerib soup and so on.

吃什么可以让头发长得快 告诉你这几种食物最有效


You can add more plant protein, so that our hair growth speed will be much faster than before, we quickly collect it.

Tags: 健康饮食
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