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脂肪肝吃什么食物好 为了身体好多吃这些菜吧

发布时间:2020-12-21 13:46:58    浏览次数:963   文章来源:原创


Fatty liver is also a kind of disease, its cause has many reasons, so in the diet to pay attention to, so fatty liver to eat what food good? The most important thing is to eat less greasy food, eat more of these kinds of vegetables is good for your health.


Fatty liver is usually due to eating too much fatty food, or is caused by the body's obesity and exercise. Eat fish: fatty fish such as salmon, sardine, tuna and trout contain high levels of Omega -3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can help improve liver fat levels and reduce inflammation.

脂肪肝吃什么食物好 为了身体好多吃这些菜吧


Broccoli is also rich in nutrients and flavonoids, and these active substances can help the liver decompose various chemical toxins and reduce the burden on the liver. Because after fatty liver occurs, the function of the liver will decline, and the detoxification ability of the toxin will also be affected. At this time, eating more broccoli can help eliminate the toxin.

脂肪肝吃什么食物好 为了身体好多吃这些菜吧


Eat more bean curd products on fatty liver is also very good, because the fat of tofu is very low, it can reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver Oh!

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