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土豆热量高还是红薯热量高呢 减肥人士可以吃吗

发布时间:2021-02-18 21:00:41    浏览次数:1754   文章来源:原创


I don't know if you like potatoes or sweet potatoes. Many people think they are the same food, but there is still a little difference between them. Is potato high in calories or sweet potato high in calories? Let's have a detailed understanding of potatoes or sweet potatoes.

土豆热量高还是红薯热量高呢 减肥人士可以吃吗


If it's just potatoes and sweet potatoes, their calories are not high. The heat of steamed potato is only 76 kcal / 100g, and that of boiled sweet potato is only 99 kcal / 100g, which is the cooking method with the least starch energy consumption, so the feeling of satiety is also the strongest. However, if potatoes are made into mashed potatoes, the heat will increase to 106 kcal / 100g.

土豆热量高还是红薯热量高呢 减肥人士可以吃吗


Both potatoes and sweet potatoes are not high in calories. Relatively speaking, sweet potatoes are higher in calories than potatoes. Sweet potato contains a lot of vitamins, dietary fiber, it can let the human body defecate, so that the human body's digestion function is accelerated, satiety is excellent, so received a lot of people like to lose weight. The nutritional value of potatoes is also very high, its water content is very high, after eating can help the body to add water, but potatoes can not eat too much, because the starch content is relatively high, its weight loss effect is not so good.

土豆热量高还是红薯热量高呢 减肥人士可以吃吗


Is potato high in calories or sweet potato high in calories? Most people think that potatoes are higher in calories than sweet potatoes. In fact, this is not the case. If we compare the two, we should compare the calories of sweet potatoes. But sweet potatoes can make us digest faster and have higher vitamins.

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