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发布时间:2021-01-03 22:44:45    浏览次数:4317   文章来源:原创


We all like delicious food very much. In the world of delicious food, we can have fun. So you may be familiar with fried potatoes with green peppers. Today I'll teach you how to make them.




1.准备好所有食材,土豆去皮。土豆切片。配菜切好。蒜末、姜末切好。土豆放清水清洗一下,去掉淀粉。 Prepare all the ingredients and peel the potatoes. Sliced potatoes. Cut the side dishes well. Cut the minced garlic and ginger well. Wash the potatoes with water to remove the starch. 2.锅内放油烧热,放姜末、蒜末炒香。倒入土豆片翻炒。倒入配菜。放盐、米醋调味。翻炒入味。装盘。 Heat the oil in the pot, and stir fry the ginger and garlic until fragrant. Pour in the potato chips and stir fry. Pour in the side dish. Season with salt and rice vinegar. Stir fry to taste. Loading. 3.其实青椒炒土豆片的制作方法非常简单,小编相信看了这份教程你会爱上这道菜的,喜欢的小伙伴学起来吧。 In fact, the method of making fried potato chips with green peppers is very simple. I believe you will fall in love with this dish after reading this tutorial. Let's learn it.
Tags: 土豆
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