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发布时间:2020-12-25 15:34:08    浏览次数:1762   文章来源:原创


Many people like to eat delicious food, delicious food will often bring us a happy mood. Today, I'll teach you how to make rice with minced meat and potatoes. Let's have a look.




1.一般在煮饭之前先将生米用冷水浸泡半个小时煮出来的饭会更松软好吃,待米浸泡完洗干净放电饭锅备好。土豆削皮洗净切成小块,先将切好的土豆泡在清水里以防止其氧化,将瘦肉切片,胡萝卜切成小块,分别切好葱花、大蒜装盘子备好。将油放入炒锅中,待油慢慢热开后放入葱花头以及大蒜沫爆香,再把浸水的土豆块沥干,放入炒锅中翻炒一会儿,放入胡萝卜块再翻炒,放入瘦肉翻炒。 Generally, soak the raw rice in cold water for half an hour before cooking. The cooked rice will be more soft and delicious. After soaking, wash and prepare the electric discharge cooker. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Soak the potatoes in clean water to prevent oxidation. Slice the lean meat and cut the carrots into small pieces. Cut the onion and garlic and put them on the plate. Put the oil into the frying pan. After the oil slowly boils, add the scallion and garlic foam to stir fry until fragrant. Then drain the soaked potatoes and stir fry them in the frying pan for a while. Then add the carrot pieces and stir fry them again. Finally, add the lean meat to stir fry. 2.待土豆边角略焦黄,瘦肉颜色变白时,转小火,加入少许料酒、少量酱油(生抽、老抽都行),少许盐巴,少许鸡精(可不放,依个人口味),再翻炒均匀即可关火,撒上些许葱花。将土豆等炒好的食材放进前面已准备好的生米锅里,轻轻搅拌均匀,撒上些许葱花,依个人习惯加入适量水,像小编喜欢吃比较干一点的饭,那我就会少放一些水啦。准备妥当之后盖上电饭煲,进入煮饭模式,待饭煮熟之后将电饭锅的电源关掉,再焖十分钟,这样焖出来的饭会更好吃哦! When the edges of the potatoes are slightly brown and the lean meat turns white, turn to low heat, add a little cooking wine, a little soy sauce (raw soy sauce or old soy sauce), a little salt, a little chicken essence (optional, according to personal taste), stir well, then turn off the heat and sprinkle some scallion. Put the fried ingredients such as potatoes into the prepared rice pot, stir gently, sprinkle some scallions, and add appropriate amount of water according to personal habits. For example, Xiaobian likes to eat dry rice, so I will put less water. When you are ready, cover the cooker and enter the cooking mode. When the rice is cooked, turn off the power of the cooker and simmer for another 10 minutes. The rice will be better! 3.关于制作肉末土豆拌饭的具体步骤小编已经告诉大家了,是不是很简单,已经在屏幕前流口水了呢? I've already told you about the specific steps of making rice with minced meat and potatoes. Isn't it very simple and drooling in front of the screen?
Tags: 土豆
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