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孕妇能吃蒲公英吗 孕妇吃蒲公英会有什么危害吗

发布时间:2021-02-05 21:23:56    浏览次数:916   文章来源:原创


I don't know if you've missed dandelion. You must be very curious. Since dandelion can be eaten, yes, dandelion can be eaten. Can pregnant women eat dandelion? What harm will pregnant women have if they eat dandelion? Let's have a look.

孕妇能吃蒲公英吗 孕妇吃蒲公英会有什么危害吗


Dandelion has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, detumescence and dispersing knots, and is a kind of food material for both medicine and food. But dandelion cold, pregnant women can eat dandelion? It is no problem for pregnant women to eat dandelion. Dandelion polysaccharide has antibacterial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antimutagenic, antifatigue, hormonal regulation and other pharmacological effects. Moderate consumption is good for the body.

孕妇能吃蒲公英吗 孕妇吃蒲公英会有什么危害吗


Dandelion, also known as pugongcao, bedwetting herb and milkweed, is a plant of Compositae family for many years. It is cold in nature and tastes sweet and slightly bitter. It enters the liver and stomach channels. It contains dandelion alcohol, dandelion element, choline, organic acid, inulin, protein, fat, carbohydrate, trace elements and vitamins. It has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, detumescence and dispersing. It is used to treat acute mastitis Lymphadenitis, scrofula, toxic sores, acute conjunctivitis, cold and fever, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, urinary tract infection, etc.

孕妇能吃蒲公英吗 孕妇吃蒲公英会有什么危害吗


Pregnant women can eat dandelion, pregnant women can also eat dandelion, this pregnant woman can rest assured, pregnant women eat dandelion will have any harm, will not have any harm, the main role of dandelion is clearing away heat and detoxification, you can also eat this.

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