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吃面食和吃米饭哪个更容易胖 真相你必须知道

发布时间:2021-01-20 15:00:51    浏览次数:664   文章来源:原创


Some people who lose weight don't eat rice in order to lose weight, absolutely rice is easy to get fat, so they go to eat pasta and so on. Which one is more likely to get fat, pasta or rice? You must know the truth. Let's take you to know today.

吃面食和吃米饭哪个更容易胖 真相你必须知道


The nutritional content of noodles and rice is almost the same. They both contain more carbohydrates and are composed of starches. Therefore, there is no such thing as which is easier to get fat. Because a person's weight gain is not only related to the amount of diet, but also related to heredity and the amount of exercise. If the family is prone to obesity genes, even if you do not eat rice, do not eat noodles, it is likely to lead to obesity. Some people don't like exercise and are easy to gain weight, so if you want to keep fit, you should not only control your diet, but also stick to proper exercise. "

吃面食和吃米饭哪个更容易胖 真相你必须知道


According to research, there is a carbohydrate that not only doesn't make you fat, but also helps you keep fit. Rice, unripe bananas and whole grains all contain a kind of starch called resistant starch, which widely exists in carbohydrates. Resistant starch takes a long time to digest and is converted into fatty acids in the stomach, which are then consumed immediately. So eating rice doesn't lead to weight gain. The opposite is refined carbohydrates, such as sugary white bread. Refined carbohydrates can be quickly absorbed by the body, converted into heat, stored in the body, easy to lead to obesity.

吃面食和吃米饭哪个更容易胖 真相你必须知道


Wheaten food and rice are more likely to get fat. In fact, these two kinds of food are almost the same. Most people still come to a misunderstanding. They think that rice is definitely easier to get fat than wheaten food. In fact, as long as you control the amount and exercise well.

Tags: 面食 米饭


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