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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:47:49    浏览次数:4547   文章来源:原创


Radish stewed mutton is actually more popular in winter, because of the cold weather, so we will prefer to eat this warm dish. So today I will teach you how to make radish stewed mutton.




1.将羊肉洗净切块,用清水浸泡出血水,然后控干水。2、白萝卜洗净,去皮,切成滚刀块。3、砂煲下油,放姜片炒香。将羊肉放入。 Wash and cut the mutton into pieces, soak the bleeding water with water, and then control the water to dry. 2. Wash the radish, peel and cut into hob pieces. 3. Add oil to the casserole and stir fry ginger until fragrant. Put the mutton in. 2.下酱油,白糖,料酒炒至上色。5、把姜片,八角,桂皮,香叶,草果,橙皮放入砂煲。6、9加适量水没过羊肉,盖上锅盖大火烧开后中小火炖一个半小时。(注意:羊肉炖得时间较长,水要一次放够)7、待一个小时半后,倒入白萝卜,继续炖煮,至汤汁收稠,白萝卜酥软即可出锅。 Add soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine and stir fry until colored. 5. Put ginger, star anise, cinnamon, geranium, Tsaoko and orange peel into the sand pot. 6. 9 add the right amount of water over mutton, cover the pot cover, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for an hour and a half. (Note: the mutton stews for a long time, and the water should be put enough at a time) 7. After one and a half hours, pour in the white radish, and continue to stew until the soup is thickened and the white radish is soft, then it can be out of the pot. 3.关于制作萝卜炖羊肉的方法,小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,萝卜炖羊肉这道菜的步骤很简单,大家可以学起来哦! About the method of making radish stewed mutton, I will give you a brief introduction here. The steps of radish stewed mutton is very simple. You can learn it!
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