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发布时间:2020-12-25 15:35:38    浏览次数:1623   文章来源:原创


Nowadays, many people like to eat delicious food. Delicious food also brings us a lot of happiness and helps us take a breath in a stressful life. So today I'll make steamed perch with lime for you.




1.1. 鱼清理好,青柠切半,将葱切段,姜切成丝,青椒(去籽)红椒切成一个个小圈圈2. 将半边青柠切开,直接在鱼身上挤汁,并用挤了汁的青柠将汁涂抹均匀3. 再用另一半青柠切两薄片留到最后用于摆盘,其余青柠肉(去皮去芯)捏碎铺在鱼身上和鱼肚里 1. Clean up the fish, cut the lime in half, cut the scallion into sections, ginger into shreds, green pepper (seedless) and red pepper into small circles. 2. Cut half of the lime, squeeze the juice directly on the fish, and smear the juice evenly with the squeezed lime. 3. Cut the other half of the lime into two thin slices, and leave them for the final use in the plate. The rest of the lime meat (peeled and cored) is crushed and spread on the fish body and belly 2.4. 将姜丝和一两根葱撒在鱼身上,清蒸8-10分5. 在蒸鱼时就可以做酱料啦,将剩下的葱段、青辣椒、红辣椒、黄辣椒酱都放在吃饭用的那种瓷碗里,倒入生抽、老抽、料酒和砂糖,搅拌均匀6. 鱼刚蒸熟时,把酱料均匀倒在鱼身上,盖锅再蒸一两分钟7. 开锅,把备用的两片青柠片放在鱼身上摆盘就大功告成啦! Sprinkle shredded ginger and one or two scallions on the fish and steam for 8-10 minutes. 5. When steaming the fish, you can make sauce. Put the remaining scallion, green pepper, red pepper and yellow pepper sauce in the kind of ceramic bowl for eating. Pour the soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine and sugar into the bowl, and stir evenly. 6 Put the spare two slices of lime on the fish and put them on the plate! 3.其实制作青柠蒸鲈鱼的方法非常的简单,相信屏幕前就是是一个新手小白看了小编的步骤也会明白的。 In fact, the method of making steamed perch with lime is very simple. I believe that there is a novice in front of the screen. Xiaobai will understand after reading the steps of Xiaobian.
Tags: 鲫鱼
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