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吃什么可以美白淡化黑色素 哪些食物的效果比较好

发布时间:2021-01-12 21:19:04    浏览次数:1076   文章来源:原创


The skin is very black or dark, it is very likely that there is too much melanin on the face, so the skin becomes more and more black, which can be improved by food. What can you eat to whiten and weaken melanin, and which food has better effect? Let's have a look.

吃什么可以美白淡化黑色素 哪些食物的效果比较好


If you want to desalinate melanin, you should eat more foods rich in vitamin C in your daily life, such as lemon, strawberry, grapefruit, orange and other fruits, or vegetables such as sweet potato, radish, cabbage and cucumber. In addition, you can eat more shrimps, shellfish and other foods. These foods have high vitamin C content, which can inhibit the increase of pigment, desalinate melanin, and make the skin dark The skin is white again.

吃什么可以美白淡化黑色素 哪些食物的效果比较好


Kiwi fruit, also known as Kiwi fruit, has an average vitamin C content of 95.7 mg per kilogram, which is known as the king of fruits. It contains vitamin C and vitamin E, which can not only beautify the skin, but also has antioxidant effect. It can effectively whiten the skin, eliminate freckles and acne, and enhance the anti-aging ability of the skin.

吃什么可以美白淡化黑色素 哪些食物的效果比较好


What can you eat to whiten and weaken melanin? There are many foods that can weaken melanin. The effect of which foods is better is that of kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit still contains a lot of vitamins. You can eat them.

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