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抗衰老吃什么食物好 这几种食物可以抗衰老

发布时间:2021-01-09 12:39:37    浏览次数:903   文章来源:原创


Now many people like dietotherapy, and the effect of dietotherapy is also very good. Some people will want to ask, what kind of food is good for anti-aging? These kinds of food can fight against aging. Let's have a look, and we will eat these kinds of food in the future.

抗衰老吃什么食物好 这几种食物可以抗衰老


Deep sea fish, three times a week to eat deep sea fish can effectively help skin keep young and moi其实st, and salmon is the most effective fish for beauty of all deep sea fish. Salmon contains a powerful antioxidant astaxanthin, which is the source of salmon's orange red color. Astaxanthin's antioxidant capacity is 550-1000 times of that of vitamin E. it can effectively fight against free radicals, delay skin aging, and protect skin from UV damage. Experts suggest that Chinese people should have more deep-sea fish on the table, preferably three times a week, especially salmon, which is good for the health of people of all ages.

抗衰老吃什么食物好 这几种食物可以抗衰老


Honey, for women, breakfast choice bread and honey, is undoubtedly wise. However, you'd better use dark colored honey instead of light colored honey. According to a study in the United States, dark honey is the best guard of human cells, because it is rich in antioxidants and can protect cells. This kind of material is very good for purifying blood and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Honey is the best skin care product.

抗衰老吃什么食物好 这几种食物可以抗衰老


Anti aging eat what food, these kinds of food can anti-aging, in fact, carrots can also anti-aging ah, carrots contain a lot of vitamins, vitamin A and carotene, these two elements are very good for our body, let our skin more compact.

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