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脸色苍白没有血色怎么改善 这几种药膳赶快收藏

发布时间:2020-12-20 20:15:06    浏览次数:1131   文章来源:原创


Do you have a pale little sister, do you always look haggard than others? Today, I'll tell you what you can do to treat your pale face. Let's have a look.

脸色苍白没有血色怎么改善 这几种药膳赶快收藏


Ingredients of Tianma Bazhen soup: chicken, Gastrodia elata, Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, liquorice, angelica, Paeonia lactiflora, ginger. Method: wash and cut the chicken into pieces, blanch with boiling water, wash the rest of the materials, add water into the pot together, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to slow stew over low heat, stew until cooked and rotten.

脸色苍白没有血色怎么改善 这几种药膳赶快收藏


Ingredients: rice, chicken soup, chuanxiong, angelica, astragalus, safflower. Method: part of the medicinal materials are washed, put into the mesh bag, and put into the pot together with the rice, add chicken soup and appropriate amount of water, slowly cook into porridge, take out the medicine package, and then drink the porridge.

脸色苍白没有血色怎么改善 这几种药膳赶快收藏


You can drink a little more Chrysanthemum pig liver soup, which can also effectively help us to improve our pale complexion. The above is a few kinds of medicated food recommended by Xiaobian, which can be collected!

Tags: 药膳
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