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胃病的人吃什么水果对胃好 养胃很重要

发布时间:2021-01-08 23:54:08    浏览次数:831   文章来源:原创


A lot of people with stomach diseases must pay attention to their daily diet. A lot of things can't be eaten. What fruits do people with stomach diseases eat is good for their stomach. It's very important for people with stomach diseases to nourish their stomach, so they can't eat some stimulating fruits.

胃病的人吃什么水果对胃好 养胃很重要


What fruit does stomach disease eat good. If you have stomach problems, try to eat less fruit. For some ingredients, we suggest yam, carrot, lotus root powder and jujube. Yam, it can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate gastric emptying, more suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and indigestion.

胃病的人吃什么水果对胃好 养胃很重要


Carrot, it has the function of invigorating spleen and removing stagnation. Lotus root powder, it can have the effect of astringent hemostasis, for some patients with ulcer is better. Jujube has the function of tonifying spleen and stomach and Qi and blood. If you want to choose some fruits that are good for your stomach, apples and pears are recommended.

胃病的人吃什么水果对胃好 养胃很重要


What fruit does the person of stomach disease eat is good to the stomach, raise the stomach is very important, want to eat some good digestion is the most important ah, can eat some jujube, apple and Sydney, these are all can raise the stomach, and then usually pay more attention to diet.

Tags: 胃病 水果
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