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牙齿痛吃什么食物比较好 清热解火的食物很重要

发布时间:2021-01-07 18:18:30    浏览次数:759   文章来源:原创


As we all know, toothache is really uncomfortable. Many things can't be eaten, and it will touch the root of toothache. What kind of food is better for toothache? It's important to clear away heat and relieve fire. Let's have a look.

牙齿痛吃什么食物比较好 清热解火的食物很重要


If you have toothache symptoms, you should pay attention to your diet while taking medicine. It's better to eat some food that can clear the stomach, reduce fire, cool blood and relieve pain. Such as milk, bud, taro, pumpkin, watermelon, water chestnut and so on, these are helpful for patients. In addition, for patients with toothache, it is better to eat more mung beans. Here's a specific method: 100g mung beans and 15g licorice, boiled with water to remove the residue, eating beans and drinking soup twice a day, once a day, the effect is still good.

牙齿痛吃什么食物比较好 清热解火的食物很重要


If the symptoms of toothache, to timely treatment, but also pay attention to taboo, do not eat spicy and stimulating food, do not eat too cold and overheated food. For fried food should also be very taboo, at the same time do not excessive drinking and smoking, so for the occurrence of toothache is also a very big influence. At the same time, toothache appears, can cooperate with some analgesic drugs, such as Fenbid, etc. And the use of some broad-spectrum antibiotics and anaerobic drugs, metronidazole, tinidazole combined with the use of toothache control is also more favorable.

牙齿痛吃什么食物比较好 清热解火的食物很重要


What kind of food is better for toothache? It's very important to clear away heat and relieve fire. It's better to eat some food to clear away heat and relieve fire for toothache. Don't eat fried food. It's better to avoid eating. It's better to supplement more vitamins.

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