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发布时间:2020-12-23 16:04:04    浏览次数:3897   文章来源:原创


Fried meat with garlic sprouts is a dish that everyone has eaten. I believe everyone will like it. Today Xiaobian will teach you the specific steps of making fried meat with garlic sprouts. Now let's have a look with Xiaobian.




1.将肉进行腌制,按一定比例放入:黑胡椒粉、蚝油、生抽、料酒、生粉。(我用的白条肉不太好,五花肉去皮最佳)放入冰箱冷藏1小时入味。将配菜切好~这里我用到的比较简单,有:蒜苔、广式腊肠、小米椒、姜丝。 Add pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce to marinate. (the white streaked meat I use is not very good, the streaky pork is the best to peel) put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for 1 hour to taste. Cut the side dishes well - here I use a relatively simple, there are: garlic moss, Cantonese sausage, millet pepper, ginger. 2.起锅将油倒入,烧热厚放入姜丝稍微翻炒出香味,香味出来了将腌制好的肉倒入。把肉炒至变色断生后放入小米椒。(我比较爱吃辣,提前放小米椒经过油炒后会激发出更多的辣味,会比较辣噢~)倒入小米椒翻炒片刻即可加入老抽和生抽。(上色和入味,这里生抽一点就好,因为肉已经腌制过了)将肉炒至上色后加入蚝油,综合一下味道。加入蚝油大火翻炒片刻后即可放入配菜啦。(这里对蒜苔喜欢熟一点的可以多翻炒会,我个人对蒜苔只要断生就好了,口感比较脆)出锅装盘 From the pot, pour the oil into it, heat it up, add shredded ginger, stir fry the flavor slightly, when the flavor comes out, pour the cured meat into it. Stir fry the meat until the color changes, and then add the millet pepper. (I like spicy food, put millet pepper in advance and stir fry in oil to stimulate more spicy flavor, which will be more spicy Oh ~) pour in Millet pepper and stir fry for a while, then add soy sauce and soy sauce. (color and taste, a little soy sauce is good, because the meat has been salted) stir fry the meat until it is colored and add oyster sauce to synthesize the taste. Add oyster sauce and stir fry for a while, then add the side dish. (if you like the garlic moss well cooked, you can stir fry it more. Personally, as long as you cut off the garlic moss, it tastes crispy.) 3.关于制作蒜苔炒肉的方法,小编已经把详细的步骤告诉大家了,是不是非常简单呢?喜欢的可以试一试哦! About the method of making fried meat with garlic moss, Xiaobian has told you the detailed steps, is it very simple? Like to have a try!
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