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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:54:47    浏览次数:5122   文章来源:原创


Authentic spicy beer duck is a famous dish. Everyone has eaten it at home. Is it delicious? Today, I'm going to teach you how to make authentic spicy beer duck. Let's have a look.




1.鸭洗净剁块,生姜切片,大葱切段,新鲜青红椒和洋葱切小块2.上锅加冷水,加姜片,将鸭块放入,大火煮开3.将鸭块捞出沥水,挑出姜片,用清水洗净鸭块4.将炒锅放少许油,把鸭块放入煸炒5.鸭块比较油,炒到看到鸭块渗出油6.把八角、花椒、桂皮、红尖椒、葱段和姜丝放入继续煸炒7.再加少许酱油和料酒翻炒至鸭肉着色 Wash and chop the duck, slice the ginger, cut the scallion, cut the fresh green pepper and onion into small pieces. 2. Add cold water to the pot, add ginger, put the duck into the pot, and boil it over high heat. 3. Drain the duck and drain it. Take out the ginger and wash the duck with water. 4. Put a little oil in the frying pan and stir fry the duck. 5, Add star anise, Chinese prickly ash, cinnamon, red pepper, scallion and shredded ginger, and stir fry until duck meat is colored 2.倒入啤酒,一点点醋(放醋肉比较容易烂)9.盖好盖子,大火烧开后转小火焖10.焖至剩1/3的水量时,加盐,翻炒均匀11.两三分钟后换大火收汁,放青椒红椒和洋葱块12.翻炒至收汤起锅 ” Pour in beer and a little vinegar (vinegar meat is easier to rot) 9. Cover the lid, bring to a high heat and simmer at a low heat. 10. Simmer to 1 / 3 of the water, add salt and stir fry evenly. 11. After two or three minutes, change the heat to collect juice, put green pepper, red pepper and onion cubes. 12. Stir fry until the soup is in the pot. " 3.关于制作正宗香辣啤酒鸭的方法小编已经把详细的步骤告诉大家了,大家有没有心动呢?喜欢的话就赶快收藏起来吧。 About the method of making authentic spicy beer duck, Xiaobian has told you the detailed steps. Do you have a heart? If you like, please collect it.


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