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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:52:05    浏览次数:4515   文章来源:原创


Spicy spicy pot shrimp style God many young people like to eat delicious food, the production method of this food is actually relatively simple, so today's small editor to tell you the specific production process.




1.准备一小把花椒,锅中把花椒炒熟撵粹锅中放油把土豆条放进去炸虾也在油锅中炸藕片也在油锅中炸,以上三种炸好之后放凉复炸一次复炸一次,薯条炸脆,藕片炸微焦,虾炸酥脆。 Prepare a small handful of Chinese prickly ash, stir fry the pepper in the pan, put the oil in the pan, put the potato chips into the frying pan, fry the shrimp in the oil pan, and fry the lotus root slices in the oil pan. After the above three kinds of frying are done, they are cool and deep fried again and again. The French fries are crispy, the lotus root chips are slightly burnt, and the shrimp is crispy. 2.锅中留底油,放入麻辣香锅料炒香,葱姜蒜辣椒翻炒,下入虾和藕片,薯条,花椒粉,翻炒均匀出锅。 Leave the bottom oil in the pan, add spicy ingredients, stir fry, onion, ginger, garlic and pepper, add shrimp and lotus root slices, French fries, pepper powder, stir fry evenly out of the pot. 3.关于制作麻辣香锅虾的方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,那些喜欢吃的小伙伴赶紧收藏起来哦,味道也是非常棒的。 As for the method of making spicy pot shrimp, I'll give you a brief introduction here. Those who like to eat should quickly collect them. The taste is also very good.
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