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发布时间:2020-12-21 14:06:44    浏览次数:1458   文章来源:原创


Baby cabbage is a mini version of the yellow bud white, the point is that it is more tender and sweet than the yellow bud white, many people like to eat. So the question is, how to make baby dishes delicious? Let's have a look.



1.烧半锅水,水开后放入娃娃菜。水再次烧开时关火捞出娃娃菜。给娃娃菜淋上生抽、醋、盐、糖、辣椒粉、花椒粉、熟芝麻。 Heat half a pot of water and add baby cabbage after boiling. When the water boils again, turn off the fire and take out baby vegetables. Drizzle baby cabbage with soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, chili powder, pepper powder and cooked sesame seeds. 2.锅里倒入一大勺油,烧至微微冒烟。热油淋入娃娃菜。最后可以出锅了,记得撒点葱花点缀哦。 Pour 1 tbsp of oil into the pan and cook until slightly smoky. Pour hot oil into baby vegetables. Finally, you can make a pot. Remember to sprinkle some scallion on it. 3.缺钾的人要多吃一点娃娃菜,还有娃娃菜还能有助于肠胃消化、排便,所以便秘的人也要多吃点哦。 People who lack potassium should eat more baby vegetables, and baby vegetables can also help gastrointestinal digestion, defecation, so people with constipation should eat more.


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