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发布时间:2021-01-11 20:42:39    浏览次数:2331   文章来源:原创


The taste of stir fried beef is very good and delicious. I believe many people love this dish very much. How to make the stir fried beef delicious and tender? Do you want to know how to eat such a delicious dish at home? Let's have a look.




1.牛肉切片,腌制 ,蚝油,老抽,啤酒、盐、胡椒粉,生粉抓匀上劲,在倒的食用油搅拌均匀备用,准备,小米辣 ,野山椒中红辣椒碎 ,蒜沫,芹菜(或者毛豆)。 Sliced beef, marinated, oyster sauce, soy sauce, beer, salt, pepper, raw powder, stir well in the cooking oil, set aside, prepared, spicy millet, wild pepper, chopped red pepper, garlic, celery (or beans). 2.锅温油,下牛肉滑散,微微变色即可,倒出控油备用,因为锅里还要炒的,锅油 ,下大蒜子 ,小米辣 ,野山椒,中红辣椒碎,盐、炒香、下蚝油、生抽、醪糟 、水酒、鸡精味精 ,芹菜 炒香,在下牛肉,大火爆炒10秒中出锅即可,一道肉嫩味香的小炒牛肉就完成了。 Warm the oil in the pan, add the beef to the pan, and change color slightly. Pour out the oil and set it aside, because you have to fry the oil in the pan. Add the oil, garlic seeds, spicy millet, wild pepper, medium red pepper, salt, stir fry, oyster sauce, soy sauce, mash, water wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and celery Stir fry, in the next beef, stir fry for 10 seconds out of the pot can be a tender flavor of beef stir fry is complete. 3.小炒牛肉怎么做好吃又嫩,就按照上面的方法制作吧,这种方法是最正宗的一种做法,相信你们一下就可以学会的,赶紧get这道小炒牛肉的做法吧。 How to make stir fried beef is delicious and tender, just make it according to the above method. This method is the most authentic one. I believe you can learn it at once. Get this method of stir fried beef quickly.
Tags: 牛肉
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