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发布时间:2020-12-24 18:23:31    浏览次数:1371   文章来源:原创


Everyone has eaten spicy grilled fish. This dish is really popular among young people. Today, I'd like to tell you how to make spicy grilled fish.




1.选一条自己喜欢的鱼,我选的是草鱼,这个刺没那么多,洗净,对半切开,用料酒,酱油,盐、姜,腌制40分钟左右这个时间准备自己想要加的菜,上面所写的 金针菇,白菜,豆芽,洋葱这些都是我平时爱吃的菜,大家可以根据自己的喜好,来准备想加的菜,把这些菜都洗干净,葱切丝,蒜可以成瓣(不用切开也可以),豆芽和豆皮要焯一下水,豆豉准备好,即青菜准备完毕 Choose a fish that I like. I choose grass carp. This thorn is not so much. Wash it, cut it in half, marinate it with cooking wine, soy sauce, salt and ginger for about 40 minutes. This time is to prepare the dishes you want to add Flammulina velutipes, cabbage, bean sprouts and onions are all my favorite dishes. You can prepare the dishes you want to add according to your own preferences. Wash these dishes thoroughly. Shred the scallion and garlic into petals (you don't need to cut them). You should blanch the bean sprouts and the skin of the bean curd. The Douchi is ready, that is, the green vegetables are ready 2.把腌制好的鱼,可用厨房纸巾擦去多余的水分,准备下油锅炸一下,热锅倒油,可稍微多放入一点食用油,然后把鱼放入锅中,鱼皮朝下(如果家中有烤箱,可在鱼放进锅中3分钟的时间,捞出,放入烤箱15分钟),没有烤箱的,煎炸7-10分钟,煎至两面金黄将炸鱼剩下的油烧热以后,放入葱,蒜,加入适量豆豉,把准备好的配菜倒入锅中,翻炒均匀,再加入适量的酱油,盐,翻炒出香味倒入适量的开水,大火煮开,调好味道之后将菜铺在烤盘中,把鱼放在菜上,再将汤汁淋在鱼上,放入预热好200度的烤盘中层,烤15-20分钟 The pickled fish can be wiped off the excess water with kitchen paper towel. Prepare to fry in the oil pan. Pour the oil in the hot pot. Add a little more cooking oil. Then put the fish in the pan with the fish skin down (if you have an oven at home, you can put the fish in the pan for 3 minutes, and then take it out and put it in the oven for 15 minutes). If there is no oven, fry it for 7-10 minutes, fry it until it is golden on both sides After the oil is heated, add onion, garlic and Douchi. Pour the prepared side dish into the pot and stir fry evenly. Then add soy sauce and salt to stir fry until fragrant. Pour in boiling water and bring it to a boil. After the taste is adjusted, put the dish on the baking plate, put the fish on the dish, pour the soup on the fish, and put it in the middle layer of the preheated baking plate for 15-20 minutes 3.关于制作麻辣烤鱼的具体方法小编就给大家简单的说的这里了,那么小编就给大家简单的说的这里了。 About the specific method of making spicy grilled fish, I will give you a simple description here, then I will give you a simple description here.
Tags: 鲫鱼
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