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发布时间:2020-12-21 21:25:41    浏览次数:1550   文章来源:原创


Boiled fish fillet is a delicious food that many young people like, and we all eat it in restaurants. Today, I'll teach you how to make a home-made boiled fish fillet. Let's have a look.




1.1.豆芽、凤尾洗净待用,生姜切片,大蒜一半切片一半切末,小葱3根切葱花,泡椒切碎,干辣椒剪成段; 2.草鱼洗净,沿着鱼的中骨把鱼肉切下,鱼片中调入盐1勺、胡椒粉1克、料酒1勺顺时针拌匀后放入蛋清,然后放入淀粉1勺,腌制10分钟。锅内倒入适量油,油温烧至6成热,放入几颗辣椒段、花椒炒香,放入豆芽、凤尾大火炒至断生后放入盐1勺拌匀后盛出; Bean sprouts, Phoenix Tail wash and ready for use, ginger slices, half cut garlic half cut, green onion cut 3 chopped green onion, chopped chili peppers, dried chili cut into segments; 2. grass carp wash, cut the fish along the middle bone of the fish, fish in 1 scoops of salt, 1 grams of pepper, 1 spoons of wine, clockwise mix evenly, then put in the egg white, then add 1 spoons of starch, and salted for 10 minutes. Add some oil into the pot, heat the oil to 60% heat, add a few pieces of chili pepper and pepper, stir fry until fragrant, add bean sprouts, chicken tail, stir fry until broken, add 1 teaspoon salt, mix well and remove; 2.3.锅内倒入适量油,放入切好的姜蒜片,泡椒炒香,放入豆瓣酱30克炒出红油,加入适量清水煮开,放入盐2勺、胡椒粉1克、鸡精1勺、白糖1勺调匀,将腌制好的鱼片放入锅中,倒入盛有豆芽和凤尾的碗中并倒入适量烧开的原汤;4.锅内倒入适量油,油温烧至4成热,放入辣椒段、花椒、蒜末、白芝麻转小火爆香后浇到鱼片上,撒上葱花即可。 Add appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add chopped ginger and garlic slices, stir fry with pickled pepper, add 30g bean paste, stir fry red oil, add appropriate amount of water to boil, add 2 tsp salt, 1 g pepper, 1 tsp chicken essence, 1 tsp sugar, mix well, put the pickled fish fillets into the pot, pour into the bowl containing bean sprouts and chicken tail, and pour in the proper amount of boiled original soup; 4. Pour the right amount of oil into the pot, heat the oil until 40% heat, add pepper, pepper, garlic, white sesame, turn to small heat, pour on the fish fillet, sprinkle with green onion. 3.关于制作水煮鱼片的方法小编已经全都告诉大家了,这道菜的口感真的是让人欲罢不能,大家赶紧收藏起来哦! About the method of making boiled fish fillet, Xiaobian has told you all. The taste of this dish is really irresistible. Please collect it quickly!
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