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发布时间:2020-12-25 15:30:47    浏览次数:1340   文章来源:原创


Chicken wings stewed with chestnut is a delicious dish. We all like chicken wings stewed with chestnut very much, especially the children at home. Today, Xiaobian will teach you how to make chicken wings stewed with chestnut.




1.1、鸡翅洗净,对半斩成两段。2、剥好的板栗洗净。3、准备好姜和蒜。4、锅中放适量水,烧开,将鸡翅放入,水开后捞出洗净备用。5、炒锅放1大勺油,烧至五成热(用手在锅上方感觉一下,能够感觉到比较热,但不烫手),将鸡翅放入爆炒。放的时候小心油溅出,有油溅出当然要躲避,鸡翅不必急着翻面的。7、爆鸡翅的时候翻动不要太勤,大概10-15秒的样子翻动一下,大概爆2分钟左右,鸡翅的表面金黄,即可放糯米酒了。8、放糯米酒之前,用锅铲把鸡翅集中起来,糯米酒顺着锅边倒入,这样可以有效防止倒酒时油飞溅出来。糯米酒放入之后,翻动几下。 1. Wash the chicken wings and cut them in half. 2. Wash the peeled chestnut. 3. Prepare ginger and garlic. 4. Put the chicken wings in the pan and boil the water. 5. Put 1 tbsp oil in the frying pan and heat it to 50% heat (feel it on the top of the pan with your hand, you can feel it's hot, but not hot). Stir fry the chicken wings. When you put it, you should be careful of oil spilling. If there is oil spilling, you should avoid it. Chicken wings don't have to turn over quickly. 7. Don't flip the chicken wings too often. Turn them about 10-15 seconds. After about 2 minutes, the surface of chicken wings is golden, and you can put glutinous rice wine. 8. Before putting the glutinous rice wine, gather the chicken wings with a spatula, pour the glutinous rice wine along the edge of the pot, which can effectively prevent the oil from splashing out when pouring the wine. After putting in the glutinous rice wine, turn it over a few times. 2.9、再放老抽、盐和鸡精,炒匀。注意这个时候基本要不停翻炒。10、再放入姜蒜和板栗,炒匀。11、加水没过鸡翅,大火烧开,转小火,注意不是那种煨汤的超级小火哈!比那种小火要大一点,一般家里的锅灶用炒菜这边炉子的小火即可。12、烧15-20分钟即可,我这次烧了20分钟鸡翅就已经很软烂了,这时转大火收汁。13、一开始汤汁还比较多的时候,收汁不要翻动太勤,不时地翻一下防止粘锅即可。14、等到汤汁很浓稠了,就要不停地翻炒,让汤汁均匀裹在鸡翅和板栗上。15、一直到水分收得差不多,看见汤汁里有油出来即可。 Add soy sauce, salt and chicken essence and stir well. Pay attention to this time the basic non-stop stir fry. 10. Add ginger, garlic and chestnut, stir well. 11. Add water without chicken wings, the fire boil, turn to a small fire, pay attention not to the kind of simmer soup super small fire ha! It's a little bigger than that kind of small fire. Generally, you can use the small fire on this side of the stove for cooking at home. 12. Burn 15-20 minutes, I burned 20 minutes this time, chicken wings have been very soft rotten, then turn the fire to collect juice. 13. At the beginning of the soup is still more time, collect juice do not turn too often, from time to time to turn to prevent sticking pot can. 14. When the soup is very thick, keep stirring, let the soup evenly wrapped in chicken wings and chestnuts. 15. Until the water is almost collected, you can see oil coming out of the soup. 3.关于鸡翅炖板栗的制作方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,是不是很简单呢?赶快学起来给家里的小孩子吃吧。 On the chicken wings stewed chestnut production method, small editor to give you a simple here, is not very simple? Learn to eat for the children at home.
Tags: 鸡翅


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