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发布时间:2020-12-22 21:43:38    浏览次数:5740   文章来源:原创


Many people have never heard of prawns and cabbage. The taste of this dish is very good. Let's talk about the preparation method of prawns and cabbage.




1.大虾4只、娃娃菜1棵(家里没有胶东大白菜,用娃娃菜代替)、姜片、盐、糖、生抽适量做法:1、剪掉虾须虾枪、从虾背第2节虾壳处用牙签挑去沙肠;2、洗净后切段,娃娃菜洗净切块,菜帮和菜叶分别放置; 4 prawns, 1 baby cabbage, ginger slices, salt, sugar and soy sauce: 1. Cut off the shrimp whiskers and spears, and pick the sausages from the second shell of the shrimp back with a toothpick; 2. Clean and cut into sections, wash the baby cabbage and cut into pieces, and place the side and leaves separately; 2.锅里放油,下姜片煸出香味;4、放入虾段,煸炒至变色,记得用铲子压一压虾的头部,这样能让虾的脑油流出;5、然后放入白菜帮翻炒,加小半碗热水,盖锅盖烧2-3分钟;6、最后再放入白菜叶,炒软后放入盐、糖和生抽调味即可。 Put oil in the pot, stir fry ginger slices to give the flavor; 4, put the shrimp section, stir fry until the color changes, remember to press the head of the shrimp with a shovel, so that the brain oil of the shrimp can flow out; 5, then add cabbage to stir fry, add half a bowl of hot water, cover the pot cover and cook for 2-3 minutes; 6, finally add cabbage leaves, stir fry, add salt, sugar and soy sauce seasoning. 3.关于大虾烧白菜的制作方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,如果大家喜欢的话可以收藏起来哦! About the prawns cooking cabbage production method, I will give you a simple here, if you like, you can collect it!
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